Final Fantasy inspired XL Pad

  • Sale
  • Regular price $21.00

This is In Stock! We've already made this and it will ship within a few days. It features a pattern of tiny cute versions of Final Fantasy characters. Only Ezra knows which ones these are. My guess is that these are the beloved Final Fantasy characters Big-Sword-Guy, Spiky-Hair and Pretty-Dude.

Our standards hold about 1oz of fluid, similar to regular absorbency. Our XL pads are close to 13 inches long, and are slightly more absorbent than standards due to size.

The colors of the non-patterned side of the pad and of the snaps may vary. Pad lengths do vary, due to the fact that each one is handmade.  Each measurement given is the closest to their standard length, though there may be slight variations that occur when crafting.

Our pads feature bound and double stitched seams for increased durability and eye-pleasing craftsmanship. We are easy on the eyes, on the body and on the environment.